in the news. . .
Inspiring Alumnus
Dr. Ben Zorensky, ND, voted Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine's 'Inspiring Alumnus of 2015'. Read more HERE
Yoga’s Popularity with Athletes
“There’s two or three things it really helps to improve for athletes. The first is breathing, accessing the entire lung capacity. The more oxygen you have in the blood, the better your endurance, the better your recovery time, the more clear you are thinking,” Zorensky said. “In addition to breath, the elasticity you help train and the muscle tendon complex… That’s going to create a combination of strength and flexibility you’re not going to be able to achieve by just lifting a dumbbell.” Read more HERE
Dr. Zorensky, ND and American Airlines
“Dr. Zorensky’s goal with the fair was to help provide the flight attendants with information that could help them to stay healthy while working. He also demonstrated exercises and practices that would help with range of motion, exercises that the flight attendants could practice on the road. His ultimate goal, however, was to spread more information about the restorative powers of naturopathic medicine and how it can help anyone who needs it.” Read more HERE
Yoga Improves Athletic Training
Adding yoga to an athlete’s training routine can do more than strengthen the core. It can help with injury prevention, aid longevity and help an athlete stay focused in tense situations. Read more and listen to the podcast HERE
Endurance! Sweat Magazine
It was an honor when Sweat Magazine chose Dr. Ben Zorensky, ND's self-portrait for their November 2007 magazine cover. To pair the headline 'Endurance!' with Balancing Stick Pose is quite fitting here actually. One must exude graceful balance, strength, and control in this pose which in turn, greatly improves endurance.
Posture and Our Body
“Join Shay the Coach and Dr. Ben Zorensky of Naturopathic Athlete as we explore the challenges that our posture creates for our bodies. What effect does sitting and driving have on our bodies long term? Be careful! Sometimes we ignore the signs when we could take some proactive steps (including corrective exercise!) to keep our bodies healthier through awareness and movement.” Watch HERE
Naturopathic Athlete Voyage Magazine
In 2016, Dr. Ben and Elaina channeled their expertise and vision into a new business enterprise combining the therapeutic aspect of yoga with natural medicine in a peaceful environment.
Read more HERE
Firefighter Hotshot Fitness
“You're helping to train yourself to stand up straight, and you're taking pressure off your discs, and reducing pressure on the spine. For firefighters I think that's key--creating awareness and strength in the core and lower spine so that they can work hard throughout a shift and not be crippled with pain at the end of it. I also think the breathing techniques would be incredibly beneficial for firefighters, because obviously oxygen is an issue when you're fighting fires.” Read more HERE
NFPT and Dr. Z: How Driving Impacts Posture and How to Fix it
“Like Dr. Ben said, sitting too long while slouching can put pressure on the lumbar spine, tightening its supporting and stabilizing musculature, and shortening the hip flexor muscles. But the effects don’t stop there. Everything in the body is connected!” Read and Watch more HERE